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WC Romania 2020

Dears Footballtennis Friends,
          We as the Romanian Footballtennis Federation are proud and we would like to invite you to the

       WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2020 for Seniors (men, woman & mix) U21 mix and Juniors-men
                       - IZVORANI - ROMANIA, 11 th - 15 th NOVEMBER 2020 -


It is an honour and a pleasure for us that the best Seniors (Men, Women and Mix) , U21 Mix, Juniors Men, footballtennis players in World are going to meet here in Izvorani (36km from Bukarest) – România.

We hope that you are going to enjoy it and that the Seniors (Men, Women and Mixt), U21 Mixt and Juniors Men players will find good conditions for the Seniors (14th, 11th, 5th), 5nd U21 Mixt and 10th time to compete for the top World Seniors (Men, Women and Mixt) U21 Mixt and Juniors Men titles.

I would like to wish good luck and best results to the Seniors (Men, Women and Mix), U21 Mix, Juniors Men players, lots of fun and enjoyment of the thrilling matches to the
spectators and to all of you only the best memories of the 14th Men, 11th Women, 5th Seniors Mixt, 5nd U21 Mixt and 10th Juniors Men World Championship 2020, Izvorani –

We would like this “footballtennis fiesta“ to give fresh impetus to the further propagation and popularization of this beautiful sport here as well as in other countries.
Wednesday, November 11th (arrival day) to Monday November 16th (departure day), The deadline for sending applications is 25th October 2020 .

We are looking forward to seeing you in Izvorani – România