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The name of FIFTA comes from French name: Federation Internationale de Football-tennis Associations.

According to the Swiss law of Commerce, FIFTA is registered in the Commercial Register.

FIFTA has the Office on the address of current President

FIFTA has the bank account at the bank:  Credit Suisse, Biel / Bienne, Switzerland.

FIFTA has the stamp. Two items should be in use, one for the Treasurer and one for the President’s office and/or the Secretary office.

            The stamp has the diameter of 6 centimeters with the text “Fédération Internationale de Footballtennis associations” all around. In the middle is the logo FIFTA with the text “SINCE 1987” bellow of the logo.

            The use of the stamp is necessary for the official letters, documents, bills and receipts sent or issued to the countries where the stamp is still in use. Since the stamp will be needed at least in one country the stamp will be officially used for above mentioned matters.  

            The FIFTA has the flag. The flag is white in the dimensions - 2 met. x 1 met. with the FIFTA logo in the middle. The color of the logo is black. The dimensions of the logo are 60 x 60 centimeters. In the case where the bigger flag is necessary the same ratio will be used for the new dimensions.

FIFTA as government body of footballtennis promotes fottballtennis world wide.

FIFTA organizes the schools for the referees, teaching seminars for the coaches.



(a) Members of the FIFTA are National Footballtennis Associations (in the further text: National Associations) who follow the FIFTA’s Constitution.

(b) The members of FIFTA should act without any kind of discrimination (racism, religion, sex etc.).

(c) Only one National Footballtennis Association from the respective country can be member of FIFTA. According these statutes, a “National Footballtennis Associa-tion” is an organisation representative of footballtennis in a country or territory which is FIFTA recognized.


(a) A National Association upon application ”for membership of FIFTA ” shall ensure and certify that it operates as and is properly constituted sports body in accordance with the law applicable to the country in which it is domiciled before making an application for membership.

(b) The Applicant should provide an English copy of his Constitution signed by one approved interpreter to English language, the Act of registration issued by his Government or National’s appropriate body, full details of the development of footballtennis in the country and the sum equivalent to the current subscription fee for the Members.

(c) Each year the Congress on his Annual General Meeting revues all applications and if approves them such payment will be applied towards the subscription amount due from the applicant; if the application is not approved, the subscription fee shall be returned to the applicant.


(a) Any Member may resign as a Member by the written notice to FIFTA delivered on or before December 31 in any year and in default shall be held liable for the subscription for the following year.

(b) Any Member whose continued membership would, in opinion of the Congress, seriously damage the international standing of footballtennis as a world sport, shall be suspended as a Member of FIFTA if a vote of the Congress to that is carried by a two- thirds majority. Any such suspension shall be effective at the conclusion of the General Meeting where the Resolution passed but may be reviewed at any subsequent FIFTA Annual General Meeting.

(c) Any Member which, in the opinion of the Congress, does not adequately represent the game of footballtennis in its country or which has not acted in accordance with the Constitution (or any Rules or Bye-laws published from time to time by FIFTA) shall stand expelled from FIFTA.

(d) Any Member who fails for two successive years to pay its subscriptions may either, be suspended or be expelled from FIFTA. FIFTA Executive Board shall determine whether the sanction in the resolution to be put to the Congress should be suspension or expulsion.

(e) Notice of any proposed suspension or termination of membership, expulsion or re-admittance to membership shall appear on the agenda of the General Meeting at which is to be moved.


Any Member who has applied for re-admittance to membership may, when it has fulfilled the requirements, be re-admitted as a Member at the discretion of the Congress if a Reso-lution of the Congress to that effect is carried by a two-thirds majority.


Members shall each pay an annual subscription in such amount as may be fixed and published from time to time in the Resolution of the Congress, and shall be paid in the Swiss francs by 31st March of the current year.

There are three type of membership:
- full member,
- member competing in only one category
- member with restricted rights

Full members paying their annual fee have right to vote on the assemblies of the Congress, nominate their candidates and to participate on the European and World championships without paying except the participation fee which will be returned if they participate on such Championship.

Member competing in only one category, who wishes to have right to vote and to be elected has to pay half of the sum of full regular member.

Members with restricted rights pay one third of the regular membership fee and because of that they have no right to vote or to give the candidates for the positions in the Board. Such members have to pay special participation fee each time they participate. Participation fee for such cases is determined from time to time by the Congress and noticed in the Technical rules of FIFTA such participation fee will be not returned.

First time applicants for the membership in FIFTA pay the regular subscription. The applicants for re-admittance to membership pay 60% higher subscription fee.


(a) Any Member is entitled to one vote.

(b) Before the General meeting starts the Member Nation should advice in writing the Chairman of the Congress about the member who has right to vote on behalf of the Member Nation.



FIFTA shall be governed by the delegates of the Members assembled in a General Meeting who collectively shall constitute the Congress provided that:

a. No delegates of a Member whose subscription is in arrears shall be entitled to attend or vote at any FIFTA General meeting

b. A delegate must be either a national of the country represented by the Member for which he is delegate; a person permanently resident in that country.

c. Each Member can be represented at the Congress with two delegates. Only one with the right to vote. Unique fee will be charged to the delegation with one or two delegates. Additional persons for example: interpreter can participate but they should be announced in advance and additional fee will be charged to the Member. Any Member hosting a General Meeting shall be entitled to send two additional representatives to such GENERAL meeting as observers without power to speak or vote.

d. All fees should be paid in advance at least during the registration of the delegates.

e. Members of the FIFTA Executive Board shall be entitled to attend and to speak at General meeting but shall have no entitlement to vote, other than as the represen-tatives of a Member nation in such case they will be considered as a represents of the Member Nation and they will be not considered as members of the Executive Board and consequently they will not be repaid or reimbursed for their costs.

f. Non-accredited persons may attend a General Meeting of the Congress only with the express prior permission of the President. Such persons may speak if the Congress so permits but shall not in any case have any entitlement to vote.

g. The Congress shall elect the President every four years at the Annual General Meeting.

h. The Congress shall elect the Vice - President every four years at the Annual General meeting.

i. The Vice - President covers President’s duties during his absence or other reasons when he is not able for active role.


(a) A General Meeting of the Congress constituted in accordance with Article 7 shall be held annually (“the Annual General Meeting”) at the place and time appointed by the Executive Board. Members hosting Meeting shall guarantee that those entitled to attend shall be allowed to do so.

(b) Recommended period to organize an Annual General Meeting is from April 1 till June 30.

(c) The business of an Annual General Meeting shall be:

(i) Approval of the minutes of the last General meeting;

(ii) To receive the annual report of the Executive Board;

(iii) To receive the statement of accounts for the past financial year, duly audited;

(iv) To elect every four years for a four years term the President of FIFTA;

(v) To elect every four years for a four years term the Vice-president and Treasurer;

(vi) To approve the nominations of the Directors of Departments given by the President after his election for four years term;

(vii) To appoint annually the Auditors and Legal Counsel;

(viii) To consider and confirm, revise or remove, any prohibitions or penalties inflicted upon any Member or former Member;

(ix) To consider and deal with:
(1) Application for membership;
(2) Applications for Official Championships;
(3) Resolution to amend the Rules of Footballtennis;
(4) Nominations for FIFTA Awards for Services to Footballtennis

(x) To receive nominations and, if approved, to elect Honorary Life Presidents and Honorary Life Counselors.


(a) An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Congress may be convened at any time by the Executive Board and shall be convened within eight (8) weeks after the receipt by FIFTA of a requisition in writing to that effect by Members representing between them one/third of the aggregate votes capable of being cast at any General Meeting.

(b) Every such requisition shall specify the business for which the Extraordinary General Meeting is to be convened. No other business except the confirmation of the Minutes of the last preceding General Meeting and that specified by the requisition shall be transacted at any such Extraordinary General Meeting.


a. Notice of every General Meeting stating the date, time and place thereof and the business to be transacted thereat shall be sent to each member as follows:

(i) In the case of an Annual general Meeting, not less than three calendar months’ written notice shall be given or such longer period as the Executive Board may decide and announce in advance; and

(ii) In the case of any other Meeting of Members (“an Extraordinary General Meeting”), not less than three weeks’ written notice shall be given.

b. The inadvertent failure or omission to give any such notice aforementioned shall not invalidate the proceedings of any General meeting.


a. The text of Resolutions and/or Proposals to be brought forward at an Annual General Meeting must reach FIFTA not later than two months before the date fixed for the next Annual General meeting, unless such Resolutions are brought forward by the Executive Board.

b. Written notice of the particular of Resolutions intended to be brought forward by the Executive Board for consideration at an Annual General Meeting shall be given to Members not less than fifteen (15) days before the date fixed for the Meeting.

c. Resolution may be brought forward only by the Executive Board and a Member.

d. Annual report brought out by the President and the Executive Board to vote by the Congress and the result of the voting is not in favor of the proposed report means that the Congress lost his trust in the President and the Executive Board and they should resign immediately.

g. In the case under (d.) the new Extraordinary General Meeting should be organized, with only one purpose – election of the President and the members of the Executive Board, not longer than three months after this one.



a. The agenda for each General Meeting of the Congress shall be prepared by the Executive Board.

b. The quorum shall be two thirds of the Members.

c. (i) The President shall take the Chair at General Meetings. However, in the event that the President: requires assistance in the conduct of the Meeting; or requires the Meeting to appoint Chairman in his place: or is unable to attend the Meeting: then the first business at the General Meeting concerned shall be to select a Chairman.

(ii) Any member of the circumstances set out in (c) (i) above exist. The Meeting shall be invited to nominate the following persons in order of priority:
a. Vice - president during his absence
b. Other member of the Executive Board
c. A Delegate

d. The members of the Executive Board shall assist the Chairman in taking charge of the proceedings of a General Meeting and one among them will act as Secretary of the General Meeting.

e. Prior to commencement of any General Meeting:

(i) Each Member represented shall name in writing the delegate who will vote for and on its behalf at the Meeting.

(ii) All Members whose subscription are in arrears shall be announced, and any delegate representing any Member in arrears shall thereupon pay the outstanding arrears in full or, failing such payment, leave the Meeting.

f. The Chairman of the Meeting shall decide all matters of procedure not prescribed by this Constitution.

g. The Chairman shall conduct the proceedings at the general Meeting and shall have power to interrupt the reading of any document or any speaker. Any person who disobeys a ruling of the Chairman in this regard or who otherwise conduct himself in manner detrimental to the orderly conduct of the Meeting may be directed to leave the Meeting by Resolution of the Congress.

h. A General meeting may be adjourned if a Resolution of the Congress to that effect of each is carried by two-thirds majority recorded in respect of the same.

i. The speech of the proposer of a motion shall not exceed five minutes and that of each subsequent speaker thereon three minutes.

(i.) Subject as hereinafter provided, no delegates shall address the Meeting more than once on any motion or amendment, but if permitted by the Chairman, a delegate may reply to questions or give further information notwithstanding that he may already have addressed the Meeting.

(ii.) The proposer of an original motion may speak for five minutes in reply but except with the leave of the Chairman, no proposer of an amendment shall have any right of reply.

(iii.) Every Resolution (including any amendment to a Resolution) shall be proposed by a delegate and seconded (supported) by a delegate from another Member before being put to discussion at the Meeting.

(iv.) In the event of more than one amendment to any Resolution, the amendments shall be first voted upon in the inverse order in which they were proposed and if carried shall become the substantive Resolution.
(v.) In the event no amendment is proposed or if no amendment is carried, the original Resolution shall be voted upon.
(vi.) A vote may be taken by show of hands, unless the Chairman, or any delegate request “a secret ballot” (voting on the prepared papers).

(vii.) When calculating the numbers of votes required to obtain a majority neither abstentions nor spoiled ballot papers shall be taken into consideration.



(A) The President shall be elected for a term of four consecutive years (unless earlier removed in accordance with these Articles) by Resolution of the Congress at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting. Such four years term shall commence at the end of the Annual General Meeting at which he was elected.

The President may remain a member of any Member but immediately upon appointment must retire from (and during the term of his office shall not accept) any office or other executive or honorary position with any Member.

The President shall be entitled to reimbursement of the reasonable expenses incurred by him in performing his duties.

The President shall be Chairman of the Executive Board and subject to the provi-sions above shall preside as Chairman at General Meetings until his successor shall have been appointed.

(B) Nomination

Any nomination shall be in writing and must reach FIFTA not later than two month before the Annual General Meeting at which such election take place.

(C) Election

(a) The following procedure shall apply to the election of the President:

(i) If there is only one candidate, he shall be declared elected
(ii) If there is more than one candidate, a ballot shall be conducted and if upon such ballot:

(b) One candidate received more than 50% of the votes cast, he shall be declared elected.

(c) No candidate receives more than fifty percent (50%) of the votes cast, a second ballot shall be held for two candidates who receive the highest number of votes PROVIDED that if a third candidate receive twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the votes cast in the first ballot, he shall also be included in such second ballot. If on this second ballot, a candidate receives more than fifty percent (50%) of the votes cast, he shall be declared elected. If no candidate receives more than
fifty percent (50%) of the votes cast on this second ballot, a third ballot shall be held for two candidates who received the highest number of votes. On this third ballot, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. In the event the two candidates in the third ballot receive an equal number of votes, there shall be a further election between those two candidates only to
determine the successful candidate.

(D) Death, retirement or disability of the President

In the event of the death, retirement or disability of the President, the Vice Presi-dent, or in the absence of the Vice President the oldest member of the Executive Board, shall assume the powers and duties of the President until a new President is elected at the next General Meeting, or until the disability of the President is removed.



The Vice – president replaces the President due his absence or when he is unable to attend particular event where his presence is necessary.

The Vice – president shall be elected at the same time as the President for four years term. All points mentioned for the election of the President should be applied for the election of
the Vice – president.



(a) Members of the Executive Board other than the President and Vice – President who cover specific duties as: Technical matters, Marketing tasks, Promotion & New Members, Media and Players council will be as the President’s choice approved by the Congress at the General Meeting for four years term and shall continue to hold the duty until the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting held four years after their election.

(b) The Annual Report of the Executive Board to the Annual General Meeting shall include a list of retiring Executive Board members; the record of attendance at meetings of the Executive Board over preceding four years.

(c) The President shall have the power to fill any vacancy in the Executive Board subject to confirmation at the next annual General Meeting.

(d) The position of a member of the Executive Board shall ipso facto be vacated in the event that a member:

(i) Becomes bankrupt; or

(ii) Is removed by the President

(iii) By notice in writing to FIFTA resigns as a member of the Executive Board.

(e) Members of the Executive Board shall not be entitled to remuneration for their services but shall be entitled to be repaid out of the funds of FIFTA: all travel expenses actually incurred (all claims for traveling expenses will be discussed in advance with the Secretary office to preserve FIFTA founds) and necessary hotel expenses (three stars hotel at least) incurred in connection with their attendance at meetings of the Executive Board and General Meetings of the Congress.


(a) The Executive Board shall have the following powers:

(1) To amend any Bye-laws or regulations of FIFTA consequent upon
Resolution of the Congress and subject to the provisions herein.

(2) With respect to the international competitions of FIFTA:

(i) To manage or supervise such competitions;

(ii) To amend the regulations applicable to any such competition consequent upon Resolution of the Congress;

(iii) To adopt, approve and apply the Rules, Regulations governing the
international footballtennis competitions, which are managed or directly or indirectly authorized by FIFTA;

(iv) To decide any appeals or disputes arising among Nationals participating in such competitions;

(v) To suspend from any competition managed by FIFTA for such period of time as the Executive Board may determine any player, captain, referee or other official who is in breach of the Regulations or the competition or who, in the opinion of the Executive Board, acts contrary to the interest of such competition or in a manner detrimental to the sport of Footballtennis or is likely to bring the competition into disrepute;

(vi) Where an entry has been accepted from the Nation for a team competition, to refuse the further participation of any Nation in the competition, if in the opinion of the Executive Board, such participation may result in the competition being endangered.

(3) To administer the finances.


(a) Subject to the provisions of these Articles, Members of the Executive Board may meet together for the dispatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings as they think fit.

(b) Normally, the meeting should be at least before any General Meeting or Extraordinary Meeting, World or European Championships. Otherwise the regular contacts should be by e-mails preserving FIFTA funds.

(c) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board as Chairman or, if there is no President for the time being or is the President is unable or unwilling to attend, the Vice-president will be the Chairman of the meeting.

(d) Unless otherwise required by these Articles, all questions (other than questions of procedure) at meetings of the Executive Board and all Resolutions of the Executive Board shall be decided by majority of votes. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second and casting vote. Provided that in the case of postal or fax or e-mail voting called by the Chairman, the required majority shall be two votes.


(a) The President will appoint Directors of several Departments as:
- Technical Department (Rules & Regulations, Technical documents,
Calendar, Rankings, Officiating committee),

- Statutory Committee
- Marketing Department,
- Media Committee (web site, press clippings, cooperation with the TV
- Committee for Promotion (contacts with the countries interested in
footballtennis or interested to FIFTA as a new Member Nations),
- Players council

Directors should form their teams, with unlimited number of associates, to cover the assigned areas having in mind efficiency and high results.

(b) The Directors of such departments are, as the President choice, the Members of the Executive Board after respective approval by the Congress.

(c) The President may also delegate any part of his work to Committees (including individual representatives) or Commissions.
Such Committees or Commissions may include appropriately qualified persons, other than members of the executive Board.

(d) The President shall ex-officio be a member of all such Departments, Committees and Commissions, with right to vote.

(e) All Departments, Committees, Commissions and appointed representatives, shall submit regular reports to the President and Executive Board.


(a) An Treasurer (resident in the country where the account are kept) shall be elected for a four-year term by Resolution of the Congress at an Annual General Meeting of FIFTA. Nomination for the position of Treasurer shall be made by the Executive Board.

(b) The person thus elected Treasurer shall be eligible for re-election.

(c) The Treasurer shall be entitled to attend all Meetings of the Congress and of the Executive Board, and may, if he so desires and if appointed or elected to do so, act as the delegate of one Association at the Meeting of the Congress, but unless so acting for a voting member shall not be entitled to vote at such meetings.

(d) The Treasurer shall not be entitled to payment for his services but shall be repaid out of the funds of FIFTA all expenses properly incurred by him in connection with his duties.


(a) Unless otherwise decided by the Congress at the Annual General Meeting, the financial year of FIFTA shall close on the 31st day of December in each year, and an annual statement of account shall be prepared and audited as soon as practicable thereafter.

(b) The reporting currency of FIFTA shall be the lawful currency of Switzerland.

(c) The Executive Board shall at each Annual General Meeting lay before the Annual General Meeting an audited Statement of Account showing:

(i) A Statement of Income and Expenditure for the past year and

(ii) A Balance Sheet containing a summary of the assets and liabilities of FIFTA


(a) The Congress elects three auditors in the way that:

(i) First auditor should sign the annual report and his duty finishes

(ii) Second auditor succeeds the first next year and the new one will be elected on the Annual General Meeting as a replacement for the first auditor,

(iii) Third auditor elected will succeed the second one, and so one.


The Congress shall nominate and after the voting promote the Honorary Life President. For the time been the Honorary Life President is the first president of the International Footballtennis Association and there will be no more other Honorary Life Presidents.


The Congress shall nominate from time to time distinguish persons who acted for long time in FIFTA as Presidents, Members of Executive Board, or persons whose contribution to FIFTA qualifies them for such honorable position.


The President can form the Honorary Council to discuss basic and strategic matters. This Council acts as President’s advisor.


The official language of FIFTA is English. Other languages, French and Spanish will be introduced in official use when the number of the Member nations arises and will be spread over the world with the significant percentage of the members from the Franco-phone and Spaniard language areas.


(a) Any dispute or difference not bound by relevant handbooks or regulations of the various competitions of FIFTA between Member and FIFTA or between FIFTA and any other individual or organization shall refereed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, Lausanne, Switzerland. The Rules of the Court of Arbitration for Sport shall govern the arbitration and the decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport
shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.

(b) Any dispute or difference between two or more Members shall be referred by such such Members to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, Lausanne, Switzerland. The rules of the Court of Arbitration for Sport shall govern the arbitration and the decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport shall be final binding on all parties


FIFTA shall not be dissolved except at a General Meeting of the Members specifically convened for the purpose and carried out by 80% majority Resolution of the Council in respect of the same.