

1. Basic conditions:

1.1 Application for the candidature for FIFTA membership

Each country has to:

1) Establish the National Footballtennis Federation [NFTF] or the National Footballtennis Association (NFTA);
2) Accept the FIFTA’s Footballtennis Rules and organise national footballtennis competitions;
3) Register the NFTF (NFTA) in home country;
4) Introduce basic statistics on its members [number of players, referees, coaches] and on all national competitions [results of tournaments, championships etc.];
5) Inform the FIFTA on all footballtennis activities at least in the last year;
6) Help the FIFTA by organising some of FIFTA’s events [congress, continental or world championship, international tournament, etc.].

1.2 Application for FIFTA membership

Each country has to:

1) Apply for the membership of the FIFTA after expiring a one-year candidate period in which most conditions of 1.1. have been fulfilled
2) Fulfil all duties of FIFTA member according to the FIFTA Statutes [after adoption of the NFTF (NFTA) for the FIFTA member by the Congress] and other documents


Continental championship

A maximum of twelve (12) teams in the events “singles”, “doubles” and “triples”. Four (4) basic groups with three (3) teams each. Seeding in groups as specified in Item 4.

World championship

A maximum of sixteen (16) teams in the events “singles”, “doubles” and “triples”. Four (4) basic groups with four (4) teams each. Seeding as specified in Item 4.

2.1 Basic groups

In Groups A, B, C and D, each meets each to two (2) winning sets.
Sequence of matches: 1-3, 2-4, 1-4, 2-3, 3-4, 1-2; (2-3, 1-3, 1-2).

Criteria for qualifying further:
1) More match points
2) If two (2) or more teams win the same number of match points, the following criteria are in force:
a) more match points from mutual matches
b) higher difference in sets from mutual matches
c) higher difference in set points from mutual matches
d) same criteria in the same order a), b), c) from all matches in the group
e) drawing lots, if all the criteria are the same.

The first two teams qualify from Groups and their mutual matches are counted in the quarter-final Groups E and F. The other teams compete for lower places according to a system that is decided upon by the Technical Committee with regard to the number of teams and available time.

2.2 Quarter-final groups

Group E: - it includes teams A1, A2, B1, B2
- sequence of matches: A1-B2, A2-B1, A2-B2, A1-B1
Group F: - it includes teams C1, C2, D1, D2
- sequence of matches: C1-D2, C2-D1, C2-D2, C1-D1
Of the quarter-final groups, the first two teams qualify for the semi-finals. The same criteria as for basic groups are used to decide of the qualification for the semi-finals.

2.3 Semi-finals

A cross pattern is used to play semi-finals: E1-F2, E2-F1.

2.4 3rd and 4th places

Semi-final losers compete for the 3rd and 4th places.

2.5 Finals

The final match is played by winners of semi-final matches.

2.6 5th to 8th places

A similar system is used - i.e. E3-F4 and E4-F3 matches are played, the losers compete for the 7th and 8th places and the winners compete for 5th and 6th places.

If a smaller number of teams participate than specified, the FIFTA’s Technical Committee may decide about a smaller number of groups or a smaller number of teams in the groups.

2.7 Total standings of countries in the combination

Rules to determine total standings of countries in the combination at continental and world championships:

Standings achieved by each country in the combination (in all the three events) are added. Should a country do not participate in an event, it is considered to end the last in the event concerned.

The best is the country, which gains the lowest sum of these standings, the second is the country with the second lowest sum of the standings, etc. If two or more countries achieve the same sum of their standings, the better standings in some of the events is decisive, as exemplified below:

The Czech Republic is better due to its one first place (doubles). If the result is the same even under this criterion, more match points, higher set difference, higher set points difference from mutual matches are the criteria (in the order given) to be used for determining the winner of the combination. If the same result is obtained from these criteria, the same criteria from all matches of the championship are used.



If the number of participants entered for a continental championship or a world championship exceeds the maximum number set (12 or 16, respectively), the FIFTA’s Technical Committee shall organise a qualifying competition. The qualifying competition for the continental championship shall be participated in by teams that ended at the continental championship at the 12th place, the qualifying competition for the world championship shall be participated in by teams that ended at the world championship at the 16th place. A separate qualifying competition shall be held for each event (singles, doubles, triples). The playing system of qualification is similar for both continental and world championships (a maximum of 4 teams in basic groups, each meets each to two (2) winning sets, etc.). A particular system and seeding shall be specified by the FIFTA’s Technical Committee according to the number of entered teams and with a view to the results of the last championship or a significant international tournament.

The FIFTA’s Technical Committee shall announce the qualifying competition within 10 days since the deadline for the submission of entries for continental or world championships and shall invite National Footballtennis Federations (Associations) to play the competition (the FIFTA’s Technical Committee shall also fix the venue and data of qualification). Participants in the competition shall take part in it at their own expenses. The organising National Footballtennis Federation (NFTF) or National Footballtennis Association (NFTA) shall cover the rent of the hall, as well as board and lodging for one FIFTA’s representative appointed by the FIFTA’s Technical Committee. The NFTF (NFTA) concerned secures the qualifying competition in terms of organisation and material (balls, nets and so forth). The FIFTA makes financial contributions to qualifying competitions, if possible

Each qualifying competition shall be played according to the Footballtennis Rules in force and according to all valid technical specifications included in the FIFTA’s official documents. Each participant in the qualifying competition shall nominate one official FIFTA referee who will be neither a player, coach, nor a head of the delegation. If possible the match is judged by a non-aligned referee (if more than 2 teams are involved) or jointly by referees of the two teams on the court. The same criteria like those valid for continental and world championships are in force for being through to a further competition. Match records identical to those for continental and world championships are used. The organiser of a qualifying competition shall send the results including all match records within 5 days since the competition is over to the FIFTA’s Technical Committee.


Seeding of teams for drawing the lots shall be prepared by the FIFTA's Technical Committee according to results of the last continental or world championship. In doing so, the FIFTA's Technical Committee shall split teams into performance baskets so that two (2) or four (4) basic groups (depending on the number of teams) can be established. Lots are drawn to place the teams into the basic groups so that there is always one team of the same performance basket in each basic group. A team drawn from the highest performance basket is seeded highest in its basic group, the second seeded team in the group is then the team drawn from the second performance basket.

When all the teams have been placed in their basic groups in the manner shown above, the sequence of matches in the groups is known and the FIFTA's Technical Committee - FIFTA’s head of referees - shall nominate neutral referees (i.e. referees from countries whose teams are not included in the group concerned). A similar procedure governs the nomination of referees for matches of teams, which qualified further. The referees shall fill in match records (see the annex) of continental or world championship.


5.1 Responsibility

5.1.1 FIFTA

The FIFTA shall be fully responsible for official continental and world championships towards third parties and its member National Footballtennis Federations (Associations). The FIFTA is instrumental in preparing continental and world championships through inspections.

The FIFTA Congress shall decide upon a host country National Footballtennis Federation (NFTF) or National Footballtennis Association (NFTA)) at least 3 years before the year in which a continental or world championship is to be held.

The FIFTA’s Technical Committee shall decide upon the number of participating countries in compliance with Item 2 and 3. In doing so, the Committee shall include the host country’s team in the championship. It shall fix the venue of drawing the lots (in the host country of the continental or world championship, if possible) subject to agreement with the host National Footballtennis Federation (Association). The FIFTA’s Technical Committee shall also nominate seven (7) National Footballtennis Federations (Associations) of which each will supply one (1) representative to form the Jury.

The FIFTA’s Technical Committee shall prepare the playing system of the championship in compliance with Item 2 and submit it to the host National Footballtennis Federation (Association) after it has been judged by the FIFTA Technical Committee’s members. The FIFTA’s Technical Committee shall also appoint the Committee of Appeal, including its chairman.

The holder of copyrights for footballtennis championship (advertisements on clothing, radio and television) is FIFTA. FIFTA can transfer this right to the holder of the championship.

5.1.2 Host National Footballtennis Federation (Association)

Each National Footballtennis Federation (NFTF) or National Footballtennis Association (NFTA) that applies for holding EC or WC in footballtennis must pay a guarantee fee of 5400 CHF. The fee must be paid at the latest during the FIFTA Congress session, but before the candidature of National Footballtennis Federation (Association) for holding the championship is put to the vote.

National Footballtennis Federations (Associations) that were not successful in voting ceremony will receive the guarantee fee back at the end of the Congress.

The NFTF (NFTA) that has won the right to organise the championship should - together with FIFTA - sign an agreement (approved by the FIFTA Congress 2003 in Zagreb) on the commitment to hold the championship.
The FIFTA will put this guaranty fee to a separate bank account. Then, the FIFTA will bring this amount (including the profit from interest rate) to the organiser of the championship to be used as prize money (if basic conditions were fulfilled by holder of the championship).

A National Footballtennis Federation (Association) of the country that hosts a continental or world championship assumes responsibilities towards the FIFTA only. It has also the right to be automatically incorporated into the championship. Under the FIFTA’s conditions the National Footballtennis Federation (Association) shall exercise efforts to successfully organise the championship. It shall set up an organising committee and president thereof for the work for which it is answerable to the FIFTA. Together with the Organising Committee it shall also establish the Organising Committee of Honour.

The host National Footballtennis Federation (Association) shall cover from its budget all expenses detailed in Chapter 5.5 Budget (see 5.5.1). The host NFTF (NFTA) shall also transfer five (5) percent of the total amount of the budget of a championship and ten (10) percent of the prize money total to the FIFTA’s account.

The host National Footballtennis Federation (Association) is obliged to arrange sewing of FIFTA’s logo on the right sleeve of each player’s dress before his (her) start in competition. The FIFTA will pass over FIFTA’s logo to the host NFTF (NFTA) one day before the start of continental or world championship.

The host National Footballtennis Federation (Association) shall provide health services (medical doctor) and necessary medical supplies (dressings, medicines, etc.) throughout the championship.

The host National Footballtennis Federation (Association) shall confirm in writing that it took over all cups from last winners. At the end of the championship the host NFTN (NFTA) passes over the cups to new winners against their signature.

When the championship is over, the host National Footballtennis Federation (Association) shall mail a final report on the championship, including results and match records, to the FIFTA’s Technical Committee.

5.1.3 Organising committee

The Organising Committee assumes responsibilities towards its National Footballtennis Federation (Association). The FIFTA may affect the Organising Committee through the host National Footballtennis Federation (Association) only. The president of the Organising Committee casts one (1) vote at the FIFTA’s sessions on continental and world championships. In co-operation with the host NFTF (NFTA), the Organising Committee appoints members of the Organising Committee of Honour.

The Organising Committee shall prepare the championship budget and is responsible for meeting the budget.

5.1.4 Organising committee of honour

The Organizing Committee of Honour has an important role to play as to references and image of a continental or world championship. Its members include personalities from the area of politics, economy, culture and sports, whose tasks are to help achieve a high standard and value of the competition.

5.1.5 National Footballtennis Federations (Associations)

Each National Footballtennis Federation (NFTF) or Association (NFTA) bears responsibility for the behaviour (of any kind) of its players and accompanying persons on and outside the playing field throughout the championship. The championship may be participated in only by countries, which qualify themselves by meeting conditions established by the FIFTA. For countries which are not directly seeded in continental or world championships, the FIFTA’s Technical Committee shall specify qualifying competition conditions within ten (10) days after the deadline for entries for these competitions. National Footballtennis Federations (Associations) nominate their delegations (see 5.4.2) and ensure that members of the delegations hold valid passports of their countries. National Footballtennis Federations (Associations) shall cover travel expenses to the venue of a championship for their delegations. National Footballtennis Federations (Associations) decided on by the FIFTA’s Executive Committee delegate their members to the Jury, who are then included into the FIFTA’s delegation. NFTF (NFTA) are responsible for the state of health of all their nominated members of delegations and shall ensure that the members are insured against sickness and injury.

The head of national delegation shall confirm in writing that his country took over cups for winners. He (or a person designated by him) is responsible for the delivery of all cups to the next organiser of the championship

5.1.6 Players

Only those players who are nominated by their National Footballtennis Federation (Association) and are holders of the valid passport of their countries have the right to participate in a continental or world championship.

5.1.7 Jury

Seven-member Jury is nominated as follows:
National Footballtennis Federations (Associations) who won the first four places at the last CC-WC will be represented by one member each, the rest will be appointed by drawing the lots.
The main task of the Jury is to solve possible objections or protests during the championship.

5.1.8 FIFTA’s vice-president for technical matters

The vice-president for technical matters controls all technical conditions (the schedule of matches, seeding of referees, keeping time limits etc.) that are necessary for successful championship performance.

5.1.9 FIFTA’s head of referees

The basic responsibilities of FIFTA’s head of referees are:
1) seeding of referees for individual matches,
2) keeping eye on referees performance.

The FIFTA’s head of referees can transfer his responsibilities to representatives appointed by him if needed.

5.2 Infrastructure

5.2.1 Grounds

Grounds include playing fields according to the FIFTA’ footballtennis rules; stands for guests of honours, spectators and press; places for VIPs; inquiry stand(s), conference room(s); advertising and promotion stands; medical treatment room(s); massage room(s); dressing rooms, showers, toilets, sound equipment (microphones, cassettes with national anthems); match schedule and draw board, score indicators, victory rostrum and flags.

5.2.2 Logistics

Accommodation, catering, transport of official delegations at the venue – are paid by the host National Footballtennis Federation (Association) (see 5.5.1).

5.3 Public relations and marketing

5.3.1 Organising committee of honour

Personalities from the fields of policy, economy, culture and sports (see 5.1.4).

5.3.2 Media

Television, radio and press.

5.3.3 VIPs

Guests of honour and sponsors.

5.3.4 Information

Hostesses and interpreters.

5.3.5 Marketing and advertising

Souvenirs, footballtennis articles, footballtennis competitions, products and projects of services, promotion tapes, bulletin, advertisements on clothing, etc.

Framework programme: opening ceremony and closing show; banquet for Organising Committee of Honour, VIPs, FIFTA officials, teams; attractive activities during down times; offers for leisure time of delegations, sessions of various interest groups.

5.4 Sports technical part

5.4.1 Sports technical documents of continental and world championships

• footballtennis rules
• system of qualifying competitions
• seeding for drawing the lots
• playing system of continental and world championships
• nominations of players
• disciplinary code

5.4.2 National delegations

There is maximum of twelve (12) persons in a delegation consisting of:

• no more than nine (9) players: one (1) for single, three (3) for double and five(5) for triplet,
• one (1) coach
• one (1) FIFTA referee (obligatory, otherwise the amount of CHF 400 shall be paid to FIFTA to cover costs; of this sum CHF 200 will be used to pay other referees that are to judge matches instead of the referee of the delegation). If the nominated referee has no FIFTA training the amount of CHF 200 shall be paid to FIFTA,
- one (1) head of delegation (obligatory).

5.4.3 Management of championships at the venue

Managing bodies of continental and world championships:
• president of the Organising Committee
• seven-member Jury
• FIFTA’s vice-president for technical matters
• FIFTA’s head of referees, eventually representatives appointed by him

5.4.4 Support

• seeded FIFTA referees
• presenter during matches and breaks
• ball boys

5.5 Budget

The budget compiled by the host National Footballtennis Federation (Association) shall cover the following expenses:

5.5.1 Board, lodging and travel expenses at the venue for members of official delegations, five (5) members of FIFTA’s Executive Board, FIFTA’s president of honour, FIFTA’s head of referees and VIPs as agreed with FIFTA’s Executive Board.

5.5.2 Prizes totalling CHF 5.400 for players, who win the first three (3) places in each event, broken down as follows:

Of the total budgeted amount for a championship, including the specified items, the host national footballtennis federation shall transfer five (5) percent to the FIFTA’s account.

Profits from a championship are retained by the host National Footballtennis Federation (Association).

5.6 Miscellaneous

Lots for a continental or world championship shall be drawn no later than two (2) months before the championship is held.

Referees, ball boys, hostesses and interpreters shall wear uniform clothing for easy identification (each group may use their own uniform clothing).

5.7 Preparation of continental/world championships: time schedule

Legend: FIFTA-TC = FIFTA’s Technical Committee, NFTF-host = host national footballtennis federation, NFTF = national footballtennis federation, OC = Organising Committee, OC-pres. = president of the Organising Committee, OCH = Organising Committee of Honour, CC = continental championship, WC = World championship, HR = Head of referees


6.1 Introduction

International Transfer Rules deals with (a) the status and qualifications of players in transfers from one National Footballtennis Federation (NFTF) or Association (NFTA) to another, (b) categories of players and (c) release of players for national teams.

6.2 Categories of players

Players of National Footballtennis Federations (Associations) under the FIFTA are amateurs, semi-professionals or professionals.

Amateurs include players who have never received any remuneration except for (a) actual expenses incidental to their participation in any activity involving NFTF (NFTA), (b) traveling expenses and costs of accommodation incidental to their involvement in a match, and (c) costs of player’s equipment, insurance and training. These may be paid to players without the player’s amateur status being endangered.

Semi-professionals include players who have sometimes received remuneration exceeding the amount stated for amateurs above for their participation in a match or for their activity linked to NFTF (NFTA), unless they acquired the status of amateur. Each player referred to as a semi-professional shall possess a contract in writing (financial contract) concluded with the player’s club for a fixed period of time.

Professionals include players who are in possession of a contract in writing with the club(s) that employ(s) them. These contracts shall be financial contracts concluded for a fixed period of time.

6.3 Transfers of players

Transfer of an amateur is permitted any time, provided it is in compliance with the transfer rules of the current National Footballtennis Federation (Association).

A semi-professional or a professional is permitted to enter into a contract with another club, if
a) the semi-professional/professional’s contract with the current club has expired or will expire within 6 months or
b) the semi-professional/professional’s contract with the current club has been terminated by both parties after mutual agreement.

A club that wishes to acquire services of a player who is under contract with another club shall inform in writing the NFTF (NFTA) and club concerned with which the player has a contract about its intentions.

A club whose amateur, semi-professional or professional concludes a contract with another club is entitled to receive indemnity for training or development of the player.

The amount of indemnity shall be approved by both clubs concerned and shall be reported in writing to both NFTF (NFTA) concerned.

6.4 Regaining the status of amateur

A period of one (1) year have to elapse since a change in status for a player registered as a semi-professional or professional to regain the status of amateur again. The period of one (1) year starts on the day the player played last match for the club in which the player was registered as a semi-professional or professional.

6.5 Release of players for national team

Each club which has entered into a contract with a player not eligible to play for a National Footballtennis Federation (Association) of such a club (the player is not a holder of the passport of the country of this National Footballtennis Federation (Association)) shall release the player for the NFTF (NFTA) to which the player belongs by nationality (according to the player’s passport), provided that the player is chosen for one of national teams of the federation (association) concerned, irrespective of the player’s age.

A National Footballtennis Federation (Association) which wants to invite a player acting abroad to be a member of its national team shall do so in writing no later than 30 days before the national team plays a match.

Each player who accepted the invitation from the player’s NFTF (NFTA) shall start meeting the player’s duties with the player’s National Footballtennis Federation (Association) within 24 hours after the match the player was invited to. This period of time may be extended to 48 hours, if the match took place in another continent than the continent of the seat of the NFTF (NFTA) of the player is.

A release of a player shall include a time of training and it also concerns participation in training camps of the NFTF (NFTA) whose member the player is (according to the player’s passport).

The following is the duration of release for different sporting events:
• international championship matches 5 days
• international cup ties 48 hours
• Cup of Continental Champion Clubs 10 days
• continental/world championship 14 days

6.6 Final provisions

Any matters that are not provided for by these rules and may become a subject of dispute shall be dealt with and amended by the FIFTA’s Technical Committee

National Footballtennis Federations (Associations) which are members of the FIFTA may enter on a bilateral basis into separate agreements on mutual release of players, provided that such agreements are not inconsistent with this document. It is a duty of National Footballtennis Federations (Associations) which entered into such bilateral agreements to notify the FIFTA’s Technical Committee of concluding such agreements by providing a copy of the agreement to the Committee.


7.1 Disciplinary bodies

• Events under the FIFTA’s heading: respective managing body.
• Cup of Continental Club Champions, continental footballtennis championship, world footballtennis championship: FIFTA’s Technical Committee
• Cup of Continental Club Champions, continental footballtennis championship, world footballtennis championship: FIFTA’s Committee of Arbitration

7.2 Misconduct and sanctions

7.2.1 Misconduct scale

1st degree:
• improper comments of players during play and breaks between sets,
• frequent protests by captain,
• exposing the opponent to ridicule,
• untidy dress of player,
• incorrect request for player substitution or time-out,
• unauthorised entry of captain, coach or head of team into playing area,
• dangerous play with no injury to the opponent,
• failure to meet time limit.

2nd degree
• repeated 1st degree misconduct of the same player or the whole team
• dangerous play with injury to the opponent
• deliberate interference with the course of match
• unsportsmanlike conduct of player(s)

3rd degree
• repeated 1st and 2nd degree misconduct of the same player or team
• rude unsportsmanlike conduct of player(s)
• offensive conduct towards referee or diminishing the performance of referee
• hitting the opponent by a part of body deliberately

4th degree
• preventing referee to perform the referee’s duties
• physical attack or intended aggression
• improper atmosphere.

7.2.2 Sanction scale

1st degree
• misconduct warning of the offending player or team without awarding a point to the opponent.

2nd degree
• showing a yellow card to the offender and awarding one (1) point to the opponent.

• banning the competition activity of the player at the competition (World cup, Cup of Continental Club Champions, continental championship, world championship) for one (1) subsequent match, if two yellow cards have been shown.

3rd degree
• showing a red card to and expulsion of the offender by the end of the competition (World cup, Cup of Continental Club Champions, continental championship, world championship).

4th degree
• termination of the match and expulsion of the team by the end of the competition (World cup, Cup of Continental Club Champions, continental championship, world championship).

Showing a yellow or red car by the referee is always accompanied by awarding by one (1) penalty point.

Providing incorrect data, falsifying documents, providing untrue evidence, violating the FIFTA’s bylaws, etc. are penalized by imposing a financial penalty onto the offender or a ban on competition activity in the competition concerned. Other participants in the competition may be penalized by a financial penalty or a ban on the performance of function.

A team which has put its name in writing for a competition organized by the FIFTA will be penalized by a financial penalty or a ban on the start in the next match in the competition, if it fails to make appearance in the competition and cannot produce any acceptable excuse.

Any failure to observe the FIFTA’s Statutes and sports-technical documents by a team will be penalized by a financial penalty or imposing a ban on respective competition activity.

If a team leaves the playing area and refuses to continue the play, it will be penalized by imposing a ban on competition activity for the subsequent respective competition.


8.1 Entry conditions

The Continental Cup of Club Champions (CCCC) of the current year is opened to Continental national champions of the previous year. The FIFTA sends the application form to each Continental National Footballtennis Federation (NFTF) or National Footballtennis Association (NFTA) by the end of October. The NFTF’s (NFTA’s) responsibility is to invite its club champion (the second or the third club in national championship, when the champion refused to participate) to CCCC and transfer the application form to this club. Moreover, the NFTF (NFTA) is obliged to send completed application form of the club to the FIFTA secretariat and the deposit of 1000 CHF (including entry fee 500 CHF) to the FIFTA’s account (or the information, that no club will participate) by 15th December. Half of this sum (500 CHF) will be repaid to the club after its participation in CCCC at the place, where it is held.

8.2 Club team and match structure

A club team consists of two singles, two doubles and one triple. In one match a player is allowed to play one single, one double and one triple. Therefore, the minimum and maximum numbers of club team players in one match are four and six, respectively. Each match is played in the following order:

Club teams change regularly in seeding the players into a match (the club team seeded lower is the first to seed a player in first single). Each single, double or triple is played up to two winning sets and the winner receives a match point. The match ends with the third match point achieved, i.e. with scores of 3:0, 3:1, 3:2 or vice versa.

8.3 Seeding club champions

Countries (club champions) are seeded (1, 2, …, 8) by the FIFTA’s Technical Committee according to the last CCCC (CC) results.

8.4 System of competition

System is proposed for not more than 8 club champions. If more than 8 teams will apply, preliminary rounds are necessary (according to the FIFTA’s Technical Committee decision). The k. o. system is used through the all competition. The system of competition is as follows:
Round 1

1 - 8
4 – 5

Round 2 Winners play the first semi-final.

Round 1

3 - 6
2 - 7

Round 2 Winners play the second semi-final.

Round 3 Winners of semi-final matches play the final.
Losers of semi-final play match for the 3rd and 4th places.

Round 2, 3 The same system is used for losers in the first round to play for the 5th - 8th places.

8.5 Protests

Protests, if any, shall be sent immediately to the chairman of the FIFTA’s Technical Committee and at the same time a deposit of 100 CHF to the FIFTA account shall be made. The deposit is returned only when the protest is accepted by the FIFTA’s Technical Committee.

8.6 Expected time schedule

The matches will be played at one location on two playing courts. On the first day (Saturday) the 1st and the 2nd round should be played, on the second day (Sunday) the 3rd round. The beginning would be on Saturday at 9 a.m. the closing on Sunday at 2 p. m.

8.7 Prizes for winners

The winner will be awarded the challenge cup and the first six club teams will receive prize money. 50% of competition fees (under condition, that 10% from prize money – before taxation - goes to IFTA) will be divided among them in the ratio of 10 : 7 : 5 : 4 : 3 : 1. Other prizes can be awarded by the hosting country.

8.8 Organisation of final group matches

The application to hold and organize the semifinal and final matches should be sent to FIFTA Secretariat by 31st December of the previous year. The necessary condition is that two playing courts must be available for the competition. The organizer of the CCCC receives 50% of the competition fees and is obliged to pay the catering and accommodation for 7 members of club delegation and for two FIFTA representatives. The organizer also provides referees for the competition.


A preliminary nomination (list) of players and coaches shall be reported by a National Footballtennis Federation (Association) to the FIFTA’s Technical Committee (the FIFTA’s Secretariat) two months before a continental or world championship is held. Along with this preliminary list included in the nomination of the whole national delegation, the NFTF (NFTA) shall also mail photos of players and the coach plus other information to the FIFTA for publishing in the CC/WC bulletin. The last amendment to the nomination can be reported by the head of delegation one day before the continental or world championship is declared open.

The nomination of players to individual events is reported by the head of the delegation of National Footballtennis Federation (Association) to the FIFTA’s Technical Committee one day before the respective event is started.\


The essential changes of Footballtennis Rules (regarding the dimensions of playing court, the number of touches of the ball by the player, the number of ball drops, the height of the net) can not be done earlier than after five years’ periods (starting point is the year 2000) unless the FIFTA Congress gives the permission to do it earlier.

All changes of Footballtennis Rules accepted by FIFTA Congress in the current year come into force for all FIFTA competitions on January 1 next year.